Om Nortech Medical
- Grundat 2006
- Landsomfattande oberoende serviceorganisation
- Servicecenter i Täby, strax utanför Stockholm. Vi utgår även från Luleå, Gävle, Västervik, Göteborg och Malmö.
- Serviceytor samt 500 kvm höglager med MT-lager-koncept
- Certifierade enligt ISO13485 för medicinteknisk service
- Sveriges representant i det europeiska servicenätverket TIMANT
- Systematisk spårbarhet via inventarie- och ärendehanteringssystem tillgängligt för våra kunder online
- Rutinerade medicintekniker och seniora rådgivare
About Nortech Medical
Nortech has a service organization specialized in medical technology with field engineers based from different locations in Sweden. Service is provided throughout the Nordic region, but mainly in Sweden. Head office and Service center are located in Täby near Stockholm. The business is certified according to ISO 13485:2016.
Our idea is to provide service and resources tailored to your needs so that you can be able to utilize Nortech’s existing service organization for a safe, cost-effective, flexible and competent service level, even when the need varies.
- Founded in 2006
- Nationwide independent service organization
- Service center in Täby, near Stockholm. We are also located in Luleå, Västervik, Gävle, Gothenburg and Malmö
- Service areas and 500 sqm of high warehouse with MT warehouse concept
- Certified according to ISO13485 for technical service of medical devices
- Sweden’s representative in the European service network TIMANT
- Systematic traceability via inventory and case management system available to our customers online
- Experienced medical technicians and senior advisers